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The findings Site Map Mount Padang Could Change the World Civilization

Written By freedom on Selasa, 04 Juni 2013 | 07.04

 Penemuan Situs Gunung Padang di Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat, yang diperkirakan berusia lebih dari 13.000 tahun, mengejutkan para peneliti arkeologi.
BANDUNG, WEST JAVA - Discovery World Gunung Padang in Cianjur, West Java, it is surprising various circles of society, especially the archaeological researchers. Because, based on research, this site is estimated around 13,000 years old.
That means, at the site of Mount Padang civilization older than the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which had been believed to be the oldest civilization in the world. So finding the sites of Mount Padang is still in the research process, can alter the map of world civilization.
Research on Site Gunung Padang done since November 2011. Having researched for almost two years now, it is known that the site of Mount Padang is not a site that is simple, but a very large monument. The site is expected to reach 10 times the vast extent of the Borobudur Temple in Central Java.
Independent Research Team Coordinator Integrated Mount Padang, Prof. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja said, based on research conducted during this shows that the stone structure at sites of Mount Padang already quite advanced.
The researchers are conducting a series of analyzes and research sites of Mount Padang, in Cianjur, West Java (photo: VOA / R. Teja Wulan). Researchers are conducting a series of analyzes and research sites of Mount Padang, in Cianjur, West Java (photo: VOA / R. Teja Wulan).The stone structure is similar to the technology world Machu Pichu in Peru. According to Danny, which is more surprising than the discovery site of Mount Padang is the age of the rock composition different from the layers.
The top layer is younger, which is 500 years BC, there is also a layer of aged 7000 years BC. In fact, if calculated to the lowest layer, site of Mount Padang is estimated around 13 thousand years old.
"Gunung Padang is a large monument. Punden berundaknya the first layer of the height to 100 meters, so the extent of 150 acres, which is obviously 10 times the size of the building (temple) Borobudur. Arguably shows its age more than 13 thousand years there have been about 3 or 4 carbon dating (age measurements based on the content of the element carbon layer in the layer-ed) that we did in the map analysis, "said Danny Natawidjaja.
Danny said, with such an old age, the site of Mount Padang can be said to be the site of the oldest civilizations in the world, surpassing the Giza Pyramid inEgypt, Mesopotamia civilization, and civilization of the Aryans, whose age is between 2,500 and 4,000 years BC. So therefore, the presence of sites of Mount Padang can automatically change the map of the world civilization.
Danny Natawidjaja added, "world civilization known to man that's a new advance of about 6,000 years, Mesopotamia, and that in Egypt (Pyramids) Giza, which is 2500-2800 years BC. It is considered the oldest civilization in the world. If we say Gunung Padang 13,000 years old, uprooted all. It will certainly make us (Indonesia) at the center of civilization in the past. "
Mountain site is located in the village of Padang Karyamukti, Campaka District, Cianjur district has been open for tourist visits. Head of Culture and Tourism of the Province of West Java, Nunung Sobari said, sites of Mount Padang is a priceless cultural asset that is owned by Indonesia.
"Gunung Padang heritage site it was a very very great, but should be based on a more comprehensive study. By visiting (tourists on holiday, ed.) Good, but there should also be efforts to maintain the condition (the site), "said Nunung Sobari.
Until now, researchers who are members of the Independent Research Team Integrated Mount Padang is still doing research and excavation or excavation of the site of Mount Padang. Management of sites of Mount Padang is currently under Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall or BP3, the Technical Unit of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia is located in the area.
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